A dishwasher is meant to clean your dishes, not stink up your kitchen. Cleaning your dishwasher doesn't need to be hard.
If you’re anything like us, your dishwasher is among your most-loved and hardest-working appliances. Without it, you’d be shackled to the sink every night, washing all your dirty dishes by hand. The dishwasher saves you time and energy and keeps your hands clean.
But a lot of dirty dishes go into your dishwasher, and over time, that food residue can build up and get stinky. That’s why lists of tips to keep your dishwasher from smelling include giving it a regular, and thorough, cleaning. Follow these steps to make your smelly, dirty dishwasher clean and odorless once more.
Step One: Gather Your Supplies
You don’t need a lot of sophisticated equipment to clean your dishwasher, and you don’t need to put harsh, toxic chemicals like bleach in your dishwasher to clean, deodorize, or sanitize it. Here’s what you need:
Some picture-hanging wire or some toothpicks
Baking soda
An old toothbrush
You’ll also want a sponge and some hot, soapy water to wipe down the exterior of your machine when you’re done freshening up the inside.
Step Two: Clean the Spray Arms
If your dishwasher isn’t spraying correctly, it may not need an expensive repair. The sprayer arm might be getting hung up on a dish that has dropped below the rack, or the holes in the arm itself might be clogged with food particles. Use your picture-hanging wire or toothpicks to unclog the holes in the sprayer arms. You can remove the dish racks and the sprayer arms themselves to make this easier.
To keep your dishwasher smelling fresh, check the spray arms for gunk about once a week, and unclog the holes in them as needed.