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Home Maintenance Survey Statistics
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DIY, or Delay? 59% of Homeowners Procrastinate Home Repairs Due to Cost

Every home has issues from time to time, from a leaky faucet to some unwanted pests. Homeowners always face an important decision: is this something they can tackle themselves, or is it time to bring in a professional to address their problem? While having a home warranty can make that decision easier with the comfort of knowing some costs will be covered, many homeowners today are also feeling the squeeze of the high cost of living. 

Plumber fixing leaky pipes

We wanted to know what the average homeowner’s threshold for bringing in a pro would be are they confident they can fix a faucet themselves, or do they have a plumber on speed dial? We surveyed over 900 homeowners nationwide to see how they approach home maintenance issues– and what factors into their decision-making. 


In November 2024, American Home Shield ® surveyed 993 homeowners across the U.S. on their decision-making process when it comes to home repairs, specifically when they DIY and when they call in a professional to address their issues. 

1 in 3 Homeowners Can’t Afford an Emergency Repair Costing Over $1,000

87% of the homeowners we surveyed have experienced a home issue in the last year that required a professional– this is a fairly commonplace occurrence. Yet, not many can afford it: 33% said they can’t afford an emergency repair costing over $1,000, and 15% also said they couldn’t afford an emergency repair over $500. Over 1 in 3 panic when a home maintenance issue occurs due to lack of funds. 

Statistics on financial anxiety and home repairs by


For nearly 3 in 5 homeowners (59%), this has forced a hard decision: 59% put off necessary repairs due to cost. Over 2 in 5 (42%) ignored home maintenance issues due to cost anxiety, and of those, 26% say that made the problem worse; some repairs simply can’t wait. 

Two-thirds of homeowners do have savings set aside for home repairs, averaging roughly $7,081. Unfortunately, that isn’t always enough: nearly 1 in 10 are in debt due to home maintenance costs. Most homeowners do feel that professionals charge fairly for their services, however: 53% agree that professionals aren’t over- or under- charging.

What Repairs are Homeowners Most Confident Doing Themselves? 

With money a stressor for many homeowners, some are taking matters into their own hands and embracing the DIY lifestyle. 3 in 4 homeowners always try to fix an issue before they call a professional to do repairs. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always work out, with 17% of these DIYers saying they damaged their home and/or appliances by trying to DIY a repair, causing an average of $599 in additional damage costs. 

Survey data on DIY home repairs and social media by

Many homeowners expressed a desire to know more: 92% said they wished they knew how to repair more things around the house, and 96% said home maintenance basics should be taught in school. That said, there are some home maintenance issues that homeowners feel up to the task to perform: 64% said they could handle pests like termites or mice, followed by appliance fixes (51%), animals in the home like bats (48%), tree maintenance (37%), and plumbing issues. The issues homeowners will most likely need help with include electrical (71%), roofing (52%), HVAC (49%), plumbing (46%), and structural or wall issues (28%); these are the repairs homeowners feel least confident tackling themselves.

One way many homeowners try and address their repairs is by using social media, which is an endless source of DIY projects as well as good (and occasionally bad) advice. Over 3 in 4 (77%) homeowners use social media to help with DIY home repairs, and they report it’s saved them an average of $2,128 over the course of their homeownership. 97% say social media instructions are high quality, and 95% recommend taking to the internet for repairs. When asked if they prefer an explainer video to written instructions, 92% opted for video. Another option is video chatting with an Expert, who will be able to not just explain, but show how to repair: AHS is proud to offer this service to our clients. 

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Methodology & Fair Use

In November 2024, American Home Shield ® surveyed 993 homeowners across the U.S. on their decision-making process when it comes to home repairs, specifically when they DIY and when they call in a professional to address their issues. 50% were men, 49% women, and 1% either nonbinary or chose not to disclose. Ages ranged from 18-75 with an average age of 44. 

Most Commonly Called Home Maintenance Professionals

Survey data on commonly called repair professionals by

Homeowners report an average of 2 maintenance issues in the last year, with the average cost of the most recent issue being $1,670. When asked what professionals homeowners called, plumbers came out on top with 52% calling one, followed by electricians (27%), HVAC techs (26%), pest control (12%), and finally roofers (11%). 

It can sometimes be difficult to find the right professional for you. Most homeowners rely on Google, followed by recommendations from family or friends, or utilizing family members and friends in the trades who can help them directly. 

Any way you look at it, homes are never perfect– but that’s part of the homeownership journey. While many homeowners tap into their knowledge or lean on others (professional or not!) to make repairs,  having a home warranty can help lighten the load of home maintenance issues. 

Data Sources, Methodology, and Fair Use

In November 2024, American Home Shield ® surveyed 993 homeowners across the U.S. on their decision-making process in home repairs, specifically on when they DIY and when they call in a professional. 50% were men, 49% were women, and 1% were either nonbinary or did not say. Ages ranged from 18-75 with an average age of 44. 

Fair Use

When using this data and research, please attribute by linking to this study and citing


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