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Average Cost of Utility Bills: 54% of Americans Overwhelmed
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Average Cost of Utility Bills: 54% of Americans Overwhelmed by Costs

Home living isn’t just rent or mortgage payments; another regular cost of living is paying utility bills. From water and heating to electricity and cable, utilities can add up– particularly electricity, which often powers not just appliances and electronics but also HVAC systems or air conditioners. 

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To learn how Americans are faring when it comes to tackling utility bills we surveyed 1,006 renters and homeowners across the U.S. in December 2024. We asked about current utility bills as well as how Americans are handling payments. Ages ranged from 18 to 75 with an average age of 39, and 49% were men, 49% women, and 2% either nonbinary or did not disclose. All conclusions in this article are drawn from answers to this survey.

1 in 3 Americans are Struggling to Pay Their Utility Bills

In short, 1 in 3 Americans are struggling to afford their utility bills; across all respondents, the average monthly utility cost was $473– and rising. Nearly 9 in 10 (89%) said their utilities have gone up in the last year. 

As such, people are worried: 1 in 3 are worried about affording electricity this winter, and over 2 in 5 are similarly worried about affording electricity this coming summer. 

Statistics on utility bills and affordability from American Home Shield

Over half get overwhelmed by their monthly utility bills– but many are finding ways to make ends meet. 30% have said they are getting a second job to cover their utilities, while nearly 1 in 4 are spending less on groceries in order to keep the lights on at home. A concerning 1 in 10 are skipping medical care or prescriptions to have enough money to pay their bills. 

Which utilities have gone up the most in the last year? Electric bills are rising the most across the U.S., with 77% saying their electric bills have increased. Other high-ticket utilities include internet, gas, water, and phone bills. 

These rate hikes have seen over 1 in 4 Americans missing at least one utility payment in the last year, with 14% saying they’ve missed at least two payments. Over 3 in 5 are concerned: they’re worried about the financial sustainability of these rate hikes. Many have doubts about the motives of electricity providers: 78% don’t think their electricity companies have their best interests in mind, and 79% feel utility companies take advantage of them. 

Average Electric Bill Cost

With electricity accounting for the highest utility bills and also increasing the most, we asked Americans how they felt about the services they receive from providers. The average monthly cost of electric bills for Americans is $232; over half don’t think their electric bill is reasonable, and a similar amount has been frustrated by rate hikes in the last year alone.

Statistics on electricity provider satisfaction from American Home Shield 

Americans reported receiving an average rate hike of 11% in the last year, and over 3 in 5 don’t understand what causes their rate hikes. Among all utilities, 67% say their electric bill is the most expensive, and nearly half (49%) say their electricity provider frustrates them the most. This might be partially because 69% aren’t able to choose a provider; 71% don’t think it’s fair they can’t choose, and 77% wish they could choose providers.

Another contributing factor to customer satisfaction is service outages: Americans averaged 2 power outages in the last year, and the longest outage lasted an average of 18 hours. 

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How to Cut Electricity Bills in 2025

With electricity rates increasing and Americans worried about how to afford them, the logical next question is, “How can I reduce my electric bill?” 

First and foremost, it’s important to carefully review your bills; 63% of Americans currently do so, but this is the best way to detect anomalous charges. Just over 1 in 4 Americans have disputed an electric bill, and of them, nearly half ended up owing less than the original bill stated, saving them an average of $433 in erroneous charges! 

Statistics on electricity bill reduction strategies from American Home Shield

Americans are also thinking outside the box: nearly 3 in 4 would support a government-controlled electrical grid to stabilize prices; others– 17%-- are installing solar panels to harness the sun’s energy and reduce their bills. 

The other top ways Americans are reducing their electric bills in 2025 include using less light, swapping traditional bulbs for LEDs, keeping their home closer to the outside temperature, unplugging appliances, utilizing energy-saving mode, and winterizing their home. 

Want more ways to keep your electric bills low? Check out our home energy efficiency guide.

We know it’s tough to budget everything as a homeowner, whether you’ve owned for decades or just closed on your first home; utility bills add an element of fluctuation in the mix that can be challenging for anyone. While you can’t always control how you get your electricity, you can control how you use it, and with smart appliances and efficiency-minded tactics, you stand the best chance of bills that are sustainable, and not scary. 

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